Please, donate to make Aiko become more human, make every penny count!

What am I working on now
Add two new vision systems for the software 
Make facial face expression.


Aiko made her debut in 2007 at the Ontario Science Center and HobbyShow



Aiko Version 2: May 16, 2009


This is Aiko V2 new mainboard LS374. It's the same size as my hand, but with better spec than the previous generation.

Process:Intel 2.4Ghz
Memory: 2G memory with 16 Gig HD internal solid state
IO: 2x RS 232, Giga Network, optical out, DV, 6USB

Small form factor

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email:




It is my dream to have Aiko be as human-like as possible. I'm not sure if it is possible, but there is no way to find out unless I try.

Aiko's future abilities:
  1. Working on version 2.